The Skinny...

READING: American Gods by Gaiman

WRITING: Still figuring that out.

Monday, August 5, 2013

The Bad Tiger Studio returns!

Welcome to The Bad Tiger Studio presents!

THE BAD TIGER STUDIO is proud to present its third monthly release with action, thrills and tales of amazing adventure.

In this month's release we have Operator Zero , The Black Viper and Junior's World:

OPERATOR ZERO by Justin Ditzler and C. William Russette
The fate of the cyborg is revealed. What will Zero do when confronted with the law?
We wrap up this six page mini comic by answering some questions while posing new ones about our hero Zero!

THE BLACK VIPER by Justin Carmona and Steven Wilcox
The local news has collected enough eyewitness accounts on the mysterious Black Viper to string together a TV segment. Not all eyes that see the story are fearful of the vigilante.
JUNIOR'S WORLD by Frank Dawson Jr.
Junior and Uncle Dave go camping!

We promise an interesting ride. Do join us.

Mind the Tiger. He Bites.

Bad Tiger Studio Founders:
Justin Ditzer
C. William Russette