The Skinny...

READING: American Gods by Gaiman

WRITING: Still figuring that out.

Monday, October 24, 2011


I have been fiddling with the idea of a new super hero along the lines of a street level sort for some time.

I would tinker with an idea here, change the boots or the gloves and what have you. I don't draw regularly but I do enjoy sketching.

This is the result. THE NIGHT HUNTER.

I think rather straddles the sub-generes of pulp crime buster as well as the super hero.

He isin't like all the but that is a twist I cannot go on about. It will be revealed within the context of the short stories that are definitely coming.


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Priest (SPOLIERS here)

I finally watched the film PRIEST. I do try to grab any vampire flick that comes out of the one trick pony Hollywood has become.

I was rather disappointed. The action was okay far as choreography goes. There was some of that lazy wirework and cgi stuff. Guess you need that when the action involves actors learning martial arts instead of the other way around. It just bores me. I think Tony Jaa and Jackie chan have just ruined me for action scenes.

Story wasn't bad. Future world where man had to throw down with the vampire nation. Sure, fine. The strongest idea here was the modern showing of the battle-priest idea. These are our last defence against the vampire threat. I didn't even care that it was bonded to the Catholics. I can buy Catholic priest-warriors.

What I don't buy, and this just turned me off from the rest of the movie, was the idea that vampires are just a separate species that evolved alongside man. I like my vampires cursed and having been kicked down power from the darkness. The sun turns them to cinders? They need a few weaknesses, come on. Plus they had no eyes and offered no explanation for how they got around either.

Karl Urban is the only solid thing in this film. His lines were good and well delivered as usual. Almost like they wrote the movie around him.

It was weak writing all in all with a bunch of special effects used to try and hide that.

I almost want the time back I spent watching it.


Anyone watch Terra Nova?

Saturday, September 24, 2011


I am almost 2k into my big ol' semi-secret short story. It is proving to be difficult to crawl into for some reason. The more I write it the easier it gets though. Perhaps my mind is just out of shape having not done the 1k a day grind for so long.

Fella on the left is Dr. Xander Wrath. Still learning about him but I wanted to draw some. I will be writing him in about 2 or 3 gigs. Can't wait.

That covers it for this week.

Friday, September 9, 2011

For This Week...

Watched DYLAN DOG last night starring Brandon Routh and based on the popular Italian comic book. I've never read the comic but it sounded appealing so I watched the film. I think they could have chosen a better actor than Routh for Dylan. He's just a bit too clean cut for me. There were some interesting ideas as far as this addition to the field of Occult Fiction goes. Great looking monster at the end. It was worth the rental fee but nothing stellar.

I'm currently reading COMEBACK by Richard Stark. It is was one the few Parker books that my library had. I am loving it. I've been meaning to read a Parker book ever since I learned there was a series of books that the character Porter from PAYBACK was based on.

Pro Se Productions has shown some interest in my paranormal thriller novel. More as that comes to me.

I've got two shorts out there in the aether of the internet that I am waiting to hear back about. I detest waiting.

Far as work in progress goes I am doing my background research for a large short story that I won't go into right now. It is most assuredly something different though.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

It's all about the Game

Took one on he chin with that first story. It was immediately sent back out.

Polished up a slightly older tale and that is "out there" as well. I am hoping to start a new short tonight with what could easily be a serial character if he garners any interest. More of a sci fi feel but still in the horror catagory. Horror-mystery?

Guess I'll just keep throwing out tales til something sticks. I've accumulated quite a few scraps of stories in a number of genres. Time to walk the walk.

More as it occurs to me.


Monday, August 8, 2011

Rollin' the Dice

Just submitted a short story. We'll see if they buy it.
Been a while since I tried my hand at this.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

What's New

I am back at the keyboard. Given my last six month slump it is an achievement in itself.

I am working on a short story at the moment. It is the second in the series of feudal Japan fantasy stories involing my ronin Ichiro Yamada. The first one (Children of Yomi) was published in one of Pro Se Productions magazines. Pro Se stopped making them for a while but I hear the mags are coming back.

A friend of mine suggested I write of series of Ichiro tales as there isn't much going on out there when it comes to samurai fantasy in the English reading market. Might as well do something with the lore I've stuffed into my melon, right?

I've found a few target mags to fire this thing off to once it's done. I'm in the home stretch far as a sub to one mag goes as they have a ceiling of 4k. We'll see how long Ichiro #2 turns out to be.

Til next time.


Saturday, June 25, 2011

I actually got some writing down today. Not notes, not plot points nor research for this or that.I set myself down and hammered out just over a thousand words. It was an easy thousand too which pleased me to no end. I had the plot and just started writing the opening scene.

It is for a fan fiction site I should mention. It is a new character for me and NOT Marvel related. Not sure how long it is going to work out to be. It ends when the story says it ends I reckon.

In the original works department I am editing and trying to finish a new book.My first book is on Pro Se Productions desk and I expect to know if they are interested in running the horror adventure by mid month July.

The first Grey Mantis short is plotted, the characters are semi fleshed out and I have received good words on his visuals so I might as well get started on that thing.

I've begun work on a web comic but we are definately too early in the process to go into details now. I am the writer for this project.

Lastly I have accepted the gig of writing a 10k short story about a Panday Studios product that like the Mantis is fleshed out and almost ready to be written.

Speaking of Panday Studios I just found out that a comic script, a real tiny one, is back on the production line. Think it just needs lettering and the other shorts for this comic antho to get done and it will be available for purchase.

What are you workin' on?