The Skinny...

READING: American Gods by Gaiman

WRITING: Still figuring that out.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Coincidence that I begin a speculative fiction blog on the 13th?

I don't think so.

There might be some random art bits thrown in here and there, one never knows. Been drawing a lot lately.

Been thinking about about vampires too. I've always had a thing for that movie monster. I don't know why. Maybe because they scared the crap out of me as a child. I mean sent me running from the room on Saturday afternoon kinda scared.

I even wrote a book. Yes really. Been reworking it for years. Think I might serialize it and plunk it down here. Maybe you, my reader, could throw some thoughts about if you've a second. I'm tired of just sitting on the novel. Someone besides me and the wife should read it. It's the biggest thing I've written to date and I don't think I can just delete it. Doing a weekly serial will ensure I make a final pass over the monster and either throw at an agent again or let it finally rest in peace.

Perhaps Friday will be horror serial day. Something fun to start the weekend with...